Bass, RylenKim, MinwuLee, JohanYlagan, Jillian2024-05-082024-05-082024-05-07 Files: Final Report Documents: MusicPracticeAppReport.pdf MusicPracticeAppReport.docx Final Presentation: MusicPracticeAppPresentation.pdf MusicPracticeAppPresentation.pptx Demo Video of the Metronome: MetronomeDemoVideo.mp4Most musicians strive to practice their instrument every day, which warrants a comprehensive companion app. Such an application should allow users to log their practice sessions and keep them motivated, among other useful features. The Practice 10k App continues in its development to bring these features to aspiring musicians. As of the prior development team, users can currently use the app to create customizable profiles, log their practice sessions, and plan future practice sessions. Our team has continued development by adding a metronome feature, switching the backend service, and fixing database issues. Practice 10k will teach beginner, intermediate, and professional musicians new ways to practice and hold themselves accountable in their musical studies.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalSupabaseMetronomeMobile ApplicationReactJUCEMusicPracticePractice 10k Music AppReport