Shearer, AnnieRusson, Jody M.Herres, JoannaWong, AmandaJacobs, CarrieDiamond, Gary M.Diamond, Guy S.2021-06-242021-06-242018-080363-0234 condemnation of same-sex attraction by certain religious groups, few studies have explored the relationship between religion, same-sex attraction, and suicidality. This study examined the moderating effect of same-sex attraction on the relationship between parent/adolescent religiosity and suicide ideation/attempts in a suicidal adolescent sample (N = 129). Linear and negative binomial regressions tested the effects of a two-way dichotomous (same-sex attraction, yes/ no) by continuous (religiosity) interaction on ideation and attempts, respectively. The interaction was not significant for ideation. However, high religiosity was associated with more attempts in youth reporting same-sex attraction but fewer attempts in those reporting opposite-sex attraction only.Pages 431-437application/pdfenIn Copyright1701 PsychologyPsychiatryReligion, Sexual Orientation, and Suicide Attempts Among a Sample of Suicidal AdolescentsArticle - Refereed2021-06-24Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, Jody [0000-0002-5629-2626]