Steele, Robert Joshua2014-03-142014-03-142002-04-30etd-05092002-152507 this paper, we present solutions concerning communications resource allocation for tactical communication networking. Given a mission definition (which defines communication needs among participants) and participant capabilities (such as processing power and bandwidth), algorithms are presented to determine if the mission as presented is feasible. The mathematical foundation of the problem is presented, and a "static" model to determine feasibility is shown. Further evolution of the algorithm into a "dynamic" model and the reasons for the more demanding requirements are presented. Reasoning behind use of the Netflo algorithm in the dynamic model is also discussed. The inclusion of the algorithm in a stand-alone program is discussed, including overall program structure, graphical user interface components and alternative output (such as the generation of high level network policy). Finally, future work in this area is discussed.In Copyrightdecision support systemscommunications resource allocationfeasibilitytactical networksDetermining Communications Resource Feasibility in a Tactical Communications NetworkThesis