McRobbie, JoanMakkonen, Reino2019-04-252019-04-252005-06-01 state education policy and local district reform initiatives continue to evolve, this report examines how Nevada’s students are faring, in terms of achievement and graduation rates. As background, it first describes the Nevada education context, dominated for years by the nation’s fastest rate of enrollment growth, especially in Clark County (Las Vegas), home to 70 percent of the state’s students. Within this context, it then looks at the status of state and local education reform activities as they have evolved over the past 15 years.application/pdfen-USCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationaleducation, higher--Nevada (State)higher education and statebusiness and educationeducation--demographic aspectsStudent Achievement and Graduation Rates in Nevada: Urgent Need for Faster ImprovementReport