Virginia Cooperative ExtensionSmith, Stephen A.2020-08-062020-08-062020-06-19 diseases are a common cause of fish loss in aquaculture, often leading to the demise of the entire fish population. Therefore, an understanding of potential pathogens of striped bass and their hybrids and early disease recognition is critical to prevent significant losses (McAllister, Mann, and McKenzie 1987).It is also important to understand that many disease outbreaks are caused by opportunistic pathogens and thus can be prevented by proper husbandry and management techniques.5 pagesapplication/pdfen-USVirginia Cooperative Extension materials are available for public use, re-print, or citation without further permission, provided the use includes credit to the author and to Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, and Virginia State University.Common Diseases of Cultured Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis, and Its Hybrid (M. saxitilis x M. chrysops)Extension publication