Alegbeleye, Ibukun DamiKaufman, Eric K.2021-12-302021-12-302021-06-29 central problem this study seeks to solve pertains to the inability of college graduates to engage effectively in teamwork. To solve this problem, we explored the antecedent and outcome of teamwork quality-shared transformational leadership as an antecedent and team effectiveness as an outcome. We hypothesized that the effect of shared transformational leadership on team effectiveness will be mediated by teamwork quality. The sample consists of 98 GSA students, sub-divided into 20 project teams. The findings, using MPLUS software, provide support for the hypothesis, as evidenced by a significant indirect effect between shared transformational leadership and team effectiveness (B=0.56,p<0.01), through teamwork quality. We also hypothesized that individual-level transformational leadership will predict shared transformational leadership. The hypothesis was rejected, as it was not supported by the findings. The findings have important implications for leaders, leadership educators, leadership researchers, and organizations.Pages 17-17application/pdfenIn CopyrightBuilding Effective Student Project Teams: What Has Shared Leadership Got To Do With It?Conference proceeding2021-12-30Leadership for a Global NeighborhoodKaufman, Eric [0000-0001-8009-0066]