Gatere, L.Delve, R.Hobbs, P.DeGloria, S.Lehmann, J.Gatere, Lydiah2016-04-192016-04-192007Presented at the Combined CIMMYT/CIAT/ Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) Workshop on Conservation Agriculture Projects in Zambia, October 20074068_CIAT_Mtg07.pdf business model for rural development that links markets, agriculture and natural resource management in a way that addresses core needs of poor, food insecure families.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightSmall-scale farmingFarming systemsConservationBiodiversity conservationSmall-scaleHand-hoeConservationFarmingEcosystem Field ScaleSmall-scale hand-hoe conservation farming a tool for biodiversity conservation in ZambiaPresentation