Pronyaev, Andrey V.2014-03-142014-03-141999-04-14etd-052899-105447 fundamental observables are becoming accessible with the Leading Proton Spectrometers (LPS) of ZEUS and H1. This enables us to test more thoroughly the pQCD mechanism of diffractive Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS). Calculations of the diffractive cross-section in the small Bjorken x limit have been performed. We have used the microscopic QCD formalism of diffractive DIS to find higher twist corrections to the transverse structure functions and predict the diffractive slope and azimuthal asymmetries. We establish duality correspondence between diffraction into low-mass continuum and vector meson production, and calculate the diffractive contribution to the spin structure functions.In Copyrightdeep inelastic scatteringphenomenologyphysicsQCDMicroscopic Calculations in Diffractive Deep Inelastic ScatteringDissertation