Honardoust, Dylan Russell2020-06-052020-06-052020-06-04vt_gsexam:26063http://hdl.handle.net/10919/98754The potential real-time control (RTC) has to improve the performance of existing stormwater management systems is a topic of increasing interest as hydraulic and hydrologic modeling capabilities proliferate. The benefits of incorporating precipitation forecast data into a RTC algorithm to allow for prediction-based control of an urban watershed is explored using an EPA SWMM 5.1 watershed model. One reactive and two predictive RTC algorithms are simulated in various configurations across seven dry detention ponds located in the 162 hectare urbanized watershed. The hydraulic benefits they provide at the site and watershed outlet in regards to peak flow and the flow duration curve are compared to conventional, static control. The ponds retrofit with the novel predictive RTC algorithm had lower peak flows during 24-hour design storms more consistently than when retrofit with reactive RTC. The duration of erosive flows at the site level was decreased by the novel predictive RTC in most cases. Improvements at the watershed outlet depended on where RTC was applied as hydrograph compounding was observed during some RTC implementations.ETDIn CopyrightStormwater managementReal-Time ControlAssessment of Predictive Real-Time Control Retrofits on Stormwater Basin Performance in an Urban WatershedThesis