Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. United Nations Development Programme2016-04-192016-04-192008Report from a Technical Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Rome, Italy, 10 August 20083888_proposed_framework.pdf "Framework for Action" developed from a Technical Workshop held at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) offices in Rome in 2008 came about because of rising cereal and fuel prices. The "Framework for Action" gives details on how to spread Conservationapplication/pdfen-USAll rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of material contained on FAO's Web site for educational or other non-commercial purposes are authorized without any prior written permission from the copyright holders if the source is fully acknowledged.Participatory processesSoil nutrientsSoil degradationSoil conservationSoil managementSoil fertilitySoil qualitySoilConservation tillageSoil organic matterConservation agriculturePlough-based farmingCover cropsParticipatory approachesNo-tillZero tillageFood and fuel crisisField ScaleInvesting in sustainable agricultural intensification: The role of conservation agriculture: A framework for actionTechnical report