Anderies, John M.Janssen, Marco A.Ostrom, Elinor2016-04-192016-04-192004Ecology and Society 9(1): 18 only recordThis paper presents a framework for the analysis of socio-ecological systems and some of its various components, such as resources, resource users, public infrastructure providers, and public infrastructure. The principles that this model was based off of were initially conceived because of a need to understand robust, common-pool resources. The SES framework is available to researchers of all disciplines to enable them to analyze the components of SES and the links between the components. The primary focus of this article is to address how institutional arrangements can affect the robustness of SES.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightCommon property resourcesGovernment institutionsCommunity institutionsVulnerability and riskSocioecological systemsRobustInstitutionsFrameworkInfrastructureCommon-pool resourcesDisturbanceResourcesProperty rightsEcosystem GovernanceA framework to analyze the robustness of social-ecological systems from an institutional perspectiveAbstractCopyright 2004 Resilience Alliance