Bowman, Adam Shoresworth2014-03-142014-03-142010-12-08etd-12172010-164613 study the Born-Oppenheimer approximation for a symmetric linear triatomic molecule in two space dimensions. We compute energy levels up to errors of order ε⁵, uniformly for three bounded vibrational quantum numbers n₁, n₂, and n₃; and nuclear angular momentum quantum numbers â ≤ kε<sup>-3/4</sup> for k > 0. Here the small parameter ε is the fourth root of the ratio of the electron mass to an average nuclear mass.In CopyrightBorn-OppenheimerTriatomic MoleculesMultiple ScalesThe Born-Oppenheimer Approximation for Triatomic Molecules with Large Angular Momentum in Two DimensionsThesis