Linares Garcia, Daniel Antonio2018-08-242018-08-242018-08-23vt_gsexam:16831 Bridge Construction, also known as ABC, is a methodology that seeks to improve project development of bridges by reducing the overall project schedule and the impact on the traveling public by implementing innovative technologies and strategies in any phase of project development. However, ABC may incur additional direct costs for the project and some risks are associated because of the accelerated constraints implied in this methodology. On the positive side, the opportunity costs and reductions of traffic disruptions costs may overcome the additional costs associated with ABC. Decision-making methodologies for assessment of ABC as an alternative to traditional construction are of great interest for project developers. The topics of research about ABC are diverse but focus mainly on the means and methods, technical aspects, applications, innovations, and decision-making of ABC. Decision-making is of great concern for project developers, especially government organizations, to sustain project goals of serviceability and to validate the additional expenditures in a project. In addition, project developers improve their decisions and project outcomes by reviewing success and failure cases for completed projects in the past. This study seeks to improve the decision-making processes in ABC by finding a more direct correlation of projects to compare by means of a categorization of these ABC projects. Smaller groups in this categorization will help narrow the scope of the characteristics of the projects to consider and to find more relevant lessons learned from the smaller groups of the categorization. To develop the categorization in this study, the data source used is the completed ABC projects database from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The statistical categorization methodology for this study is the Agglomerate Hierarchy Clustering which developed a determined number of cluster based on the closeness among data parameters with "n" number of dimensions of analysis. The number of dimensions for the analysis in this study was established as 13 parameters collected from the database and these were considered critical decision-making parameters and consequential parameters to reflect project decisions and consequences of those decisions. The results of this study rendered 3 categories, and into these categories, 5 sub-categories were distributed according to the same analysis developed. The sub-categories show similarities between the projects according to the parameters established, so the sub-categories help narrow the scope of projects for project developers. As a complement to the categorization, a project matching tool for external projects was also developed to help decision-makers to test their projects according to the analysis in this study and also help developers narrow their review of cases in search for lessons learned. Uses of this study include the prediction of information of parameters according to the variables and ranges in this categorization, and the narrowing of study cases to review. Stakeholders interested can be government organizations seeking to establish the viability of an ABC project, or to improve their project outcomes at any stage of development. Other stakeholders can be designers and contractors that also need to improve their projects at any stage of development.ETDenIn CopyrightAccelerated Bridge ConstructionABCFlash-trackFast-trackProject DeliveryDecision-makingBridgesSharing of lessons learnedCategorizing Accelerated Bridge Construction Projects for Improving Decision-MakingThesis