Hepperly, Paul2016-04-192016-04-192005The New Farm, 11 August 2005http://hdl.handle.net/10919/67721Metadata only recordFollowing the author's trip to Ghana, he outlined twelve reasons that farmers should consider using compost for fertilizing their crops. These reasons include cost effectiveness, nutrient density and completeness, increased productivity of clay soil and tilth, decrease of weeds, pests and diseases, increased biological activity, increased storability and taste of corn seed, and positive effects on carbon sequestration.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightCarbon sequestrationSoil nutrientsSoil qualitySoilSoil organic matterFertilizationGhanaCompostingField ScaleTwelve reasons to make and use compostAbstractCopyright 2008 The Rodale Institute