Santiago, Deborah A.Soliz, Megan2018-05-072018-05-072012-03-01 attention on the institutions graduating many Latinos in postsecondary education is a simple way to link the college completion goals of the U.S. with the workforce needs of the country. This first brief in the Finding Your Workforce series provides a summary of Latinos’ college completion for 2009-10 along with a list of the top 25 institutions at each academic level graduating Latinos from certificates to doctoral degrees. However, the lists do not provide important information on quality or productivity of the institutions included. These are topics for further analysis.application/pdfCreative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalLatin American studentscollege completioneducational attainmentworkforcelabor marketFinding Your Workforce: The Top 25 Institutions Graduating LatinosReport