Andrade, R.Alwang, Jeffrey R.Norton, George W.Barrera, Victor H.2016-04-192016-04-192008Presented at the SANREM CRSP 2008 Annual Meeting, Los BaƱos, Philippines, 26-29 May 20083518_Andrade2008_LivelihoodStrategies.ppt objective of this study is to identify successful livelihood strategies and analyze factors affecting adoption of such strategies:application/ CopyrightIn CopyrightMarketsLivelihoodsModelingAgricultureLivelihood strategiesHousehold well-beingMultinomial logit modelAgricultural marketsAgriculture consumptionWage workFarm/Enterprise ScaleLivelihood strategies of farmers in Bolivar, Ecuador: Assets, livelihood choice and well-being in rural householdsPresentation