Lundquist, Ryan David2025-03-052025-03-052025-03-04vt_gsexam:42535 the recent emergence of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) as a potential solution to alleviate congested urban transportation, concerns have arisen regarding adherence to noise emission regulations and general public acceptance. With the design of new and innovative air vehicles utilizing electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) propulsion systems for UAM applications, significant gaps remain in the understanding of their aerodynamic and acoustic performance, particularly when interacting with disturbances such as turbulence generated by buildings. To address safety, noise, and performance challenges, effective optimization methods must be developed. However, there is a lack of sufficient experimental data to support these advancements. This study investigates the aerodynamic and acoustic performance of a scaled eVTOL propeller operating in both axial and non-axial flight. A comprehensive summary of the experimental propeller's design is provided. Thrust, torque, and sound pressure data are acquired from wind tunnel testing of the experimental propeller operating with various blade pitch angles, yaw angles, and under several inflow velocities. The experimental results are subsequently compared to a custom-developed Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT) utility for low-fidelity predictions. The findings aim to provide baseline data for Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) validation, enhancing predictive tools for advancing safe and efficient urban air transportation. Experimental results exhibit positive correlations between thrust, torque, and acoustic intensity with increasing yaw angle. The acoustic profile of the propeller at large yaw angles features an increase in broadband noise, a characteristic feature of Blade-Wake Interaction. Additionally, BEMT calculations predict thrust and torque within 10% accuracy of the measured data across most conditions. Supplementary calculations of the induced velocity fields offer preliminary insights into the distortion effects for future studies on interactions between eVTOL propellers and turbulent flows.ETDenIn CopyrightUrban Air MobilityElectric Vertical Takeoff and LandingPropeller AerodynamicsPropeller AcousticsInvestigation of the Aerodynamic and Acoustic Performance of a Scaled eVTOL Propeller in Axial and Non-Axial FlightThesis