Bhagowalia, P.Chen, S.Shively, Gerald E.2016-04-192016-04-192007Working Paper No. 07-094682_Bhagowalia2007_Agri_Investment_Gender_Bi.pdf study analyzes the effect of child gender on the use of agricultural inputs in rural India. Results indicate that households with boys use fertilizers, irrigation services, and insecticides to a greater extent than households with girls. One reason for this may be that boys provide a sense of social security and provide more assurance that the farm will stay in the family, therefore more effort is put into the farm to keep it productive. Examining gender biases and how they affect the behavior of farmers in a household is important to addressing agricultural productivity and food security.application/pdfen-USCopyright by Priya Bhagowalia, Susan Chen and Gerald Shively. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies.Small-scale farmingFood securityGenderAgricultureSouth asiaIndiaDemographicsInput useAgricultural economicsVillage level studiesSon preferenceProductivityGender biasFarm/Enterprise Scale Field ScaleInput choices in agriculture: Is there a gender bias?Technical report