Pfeiffer, Douglas G.Baudoin, Antonius B.Bergh, J. Christopher2016-12-192016-12-192016-01-25 information on pest and beneficial species identification is available online at Application rates: The rate per acre column gives rates for low-volume or concentrate applications. Sprays may be applied as semiconcentrate (40-100 gal/A) or concentrate (10-40 gal/A) sprays. Use caution with more concentrated sprays; the smaller droplet sizes associated with low-volume application are more prone to drift. Amount of pesticide to be applied for dilute applications (usually 100 gal/A early in early season, 200 gal/A in mid season, and 300 gal/acre in late season) is usually given on the label.application/pdfenIn CopyrightGrapes: Diseases and Insects in Vineyards. p. 3-1 – 3-20. In: 2016 Pest Management Guide for Horticultural and Forest CropsExtension publication