Boutagy, Nabil E.Rogers, George W.Pyne, Emily S.Ali, Mostafa M.Hulver, Matthew W.Frisard, Madlyn I.2016-11-172016-11-172015-10-011940-087X muscle mitochondria play a specific role in many disease pathologies. As such, the measurement of oxygen consumption as an indicator of mitochondrial function in this tissue has become more prevalent. Although many technologies and assays exist that measure mitochondrial respiratory pathways in a variety of cells, tissue and species, there is currently a void in the literature in regards to the compilation of these assays using isolated mitochondria from mouse skeletal muscle for use in microplate based technologies. Importantly, the use of microplate based respirometric assays is growing among mitochondrial biologists as it allows for high throughput measurements using minimal quantities of isolated mitochondria. Therefore, a collection of microplate based respirometric assays were developed that are able to assess mechanistic changes/adaptations in oxygen consumption in a commonly used animal model. The methods presented herein provide step-bystep instructions to perform these assays with an optimal amount of mitochondrial protein and reagents, and high precision as evidenced by the minimal variance across the dynamic range of each assay.11 pagesapplication/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 UnportedDevelopmental BiologyIssue 104High throughputrespirometric assaysskeletal muscleisolated mitochondriamouse modelmetabolismOXYGEN-CONSUMPTIONCELLSUsing Isolated Mitochondria from Minimal Quantities of Mouse Skeletal Muscle for High throughput Microplate Respiratory MeasurementsArticle - RefereedJove-Journal of Visualized Experiments