Raisman, Neal2018-05-172018-05-172017-02-01http://hdl.handle.net/10919/83248A survey on the state of academic customer service for students found that academic customer service provided on the nation’s campuses is fair or weak at best and is a cause of many students leaving a college. Basic service functions such as training, telephone skills, and returning voicemails and emails are rudimentary service functions that are rated low. This is not a good recognition considering the importance of providing good to excellent academic customer service to retaining students and revenue. This report analyses the data and provides some recommendations to improve the academic customer service on U.S campuses.application/pdfCreative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalacademic servicesstudent retentioneducational attainmentThe State of Academic Customer Service on U.S. CampusesReporthttp://www.educationalpolicy.org/publications/pubpdf/1701_PolicyPerspectives_small.pdf