Layden, Kaitlyn Rose2021-08-042021-08-042021-08-03vt_gsexam:32063 has long been studied and considered sacred for its ability to represent and make comprehensible the myriad phenomena of the natural world. Geometry is idealized form, understood in the mind and can be represented in the two-dimensional realm of drawing. Other geometries exist outside of our minds, in the physical world and can demonstrate universal truths and orders which cause us to be. The act of geometrical demonstration allows for the construction of invisible forces, orders, and patterns underpinning the physical world. This work consists of a series of primarily perspectival drawings which rely on the idea of proportion as a means to construct, demonstrate, and represent potential architectures.ETDIn CopyrightgeometrydemonstrationperspectivephysicalprojectEtudes in DemonstrationThesis