2019-12-022019-12-022007-04-11http://hdl.handle.net/10919/95894The Task Force on Race and the Institution was formed by Provost Mark McNamee in August 2006 to examine key issues of race, racism, and racial inequity at Virginia Tech. Addressing such issues ultimately provides a more talented and diverse faculty, staff, and student body and creates a fertile environment in which the entire university community can prosper and flourish. Virginia Tech has made significant and commendable progress in addressing these issues in the past; however, recent concerns prompted the institution to be even more aggressive and proactive in making measurable progress. The task force is providing recommendations that it believes will make significant advances in addressing the key issues under consideration. The recommendations call for enhancement and support of highly successful ongoing efforts and also provides new innovative strategies. Effectively addressing such complex issues requires a multidimensional strategy as described by the report.en-USIn CopyrightVirginia Tech Task Force on Race and the Institution Final ReportReporthttps://www.provost.vt.edu/content/dam/provost_vt_edu/archives/race_task_force/race_institution_task_force_final_report_2007.pdf