Horn, TammyAngel, Patrick N.Zipper, Carl E.Ulyshen, MichaelFrench, MichaelBurger, James A.Adams, Mary Beth2021-04-232021-04-232017-02http://hdl.handle.net/10919/103104Pollinators are animals that play an essential role in the reproduction of many plants by transferring genetic material, in the form of pollen, from male to female flower parts. Because pollinator communities are under threat both in the US and worldwide, there is great interest in incorporating the needs of pollinators into habitat restoration plans. Forests provide many important resources such as nectar and pollen throughout the warm-weather seasons as well as critical nesting habitats. This Advisory describes mine reforestation strategies that can encourage and support pollinator conservation in the eastern US. We also provide background information concerning pollinators and their conservation needs.application/pdfenPublic DomainRe-Establishing Pollinator Habitat on Mined Lands Using the Forestry Reclamation ApproachReport