Virginia Tech Transportation InstituteHosten, AkyiaaTrimble, Tammy E.Bishop, RichardMorgan, Justin F.Blanco, Myra2015-07-312015-07-312014-07Trimble, T. E., Bishop, R., Morgan, J. F., & Blanco, M. (2014). Human factors evaluation of level 2 and level 3 automated driving concepts: Past research, state of automation technology, and emerging system concepts. (FHWA-JPO-12-063). Washington, DC: United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Retrieved from HS 812 043 the context of automation Levels 2 and 3, this report documents the proceedings from a literature review of key human factors studies that was performed related to automated vehicle operations. This document expands and updates the results from a prior literature review that was performed for the US DOT. Content within this document reflects the latest research and OEM activity as of June 2013. Studies both directly addressing automated driving, and those relevant to automated driving concepts have been included. Additionally, documents beyond the academic literature, such as articles, summaries, and presentations from original equipment manufacturers and suppliers, have been researched. Information from both United States and international projects and researchers is included. This document also identifies automated-driving relevant databases in support of future research efforts.150 pagesapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightAutonomous vehicle guidanceHuman factorsLegal factorsDriver vehicle interfacesHuman machine systemsIntelligent vehiclesLiterature reviewsHuman Factors Evaluation of Level 2 and Level 3 Automated Driving Concepts: Past Research, State of Automation Technology, and Emerging System ConceptsGovernment document