Reid, Terry Vincent2014-03-142014-03-141998-04-30etd-011099-132537 effects of shock wave impact on unsteady turbine heat transfer are investigated. A numerical approach is developed to simulate the flow physics present in a previously performed unsteady wind tunnel experiment. The windtunnel experiment included unheated and heated flows over a cascade of highly loaded turbine blades. After the flow over the blades was established, a single shock with a pressure ratio of 1.1 was introduced into the wind tunnel test section. A single blade was equipped with pressure transducers and heat flux microsensors. As the shock wave strikes the blade, time resolved pressure, temperature, and heat transfer data were recorded.In CopyrightUnsteadycomputationsheat fluxA Computational Approach For Investigating Unsteady Turbine Heat Transfer Due To Shock Wave ImpactDissertation