Pannabecker, Virginia2016-03-172016-03-172016 OER Package includes a description, lesson plan, and materials for a discussion session addressing: Why are open research practices, open access, and author rights important to Psychology graduate students? How might tools and resources related to these impact choices graduate students may make in research design, research practice and documentation, and venues for sharing research results? This session included a pre-class reading assignment and an in-class session with discussion and hands-on activities. The topics of focus were: open research practices, open access, and selecting publication venues for sharing research. These topics were discussed in the context of authorship as experienced by students in undergraduate and graduate programs, including course papers, theses and dissertations, conference presentations, and journal article publishing. Discussions were based on three readings completed prior to the in-class session that covered aspects of: open access, peer review, and open research practices. The class also discussed evaluation criteria to use when selecting a publication venue.en-USCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 United StatesOpen AccessPsychologyGraduate StudentsPublishingJournal SelectionAuthor RightsOpen Access Discussion Session - Psychology Graduate CourseLearning object