Hover, Paul Lloyd2012-08-302012-08-302012-08-30http://hdl.handle.net/10919/18994Pictured from right to left: Matt Weinberger, jaime Mac Nabb, Julianne Dutzer, Nico Wagner, Garrett Hart, Jonathan Barrett, HengYi Liu, JunLan Zhou, Paul Hover, AkiraDuring the last week of classes at USTC in Hefei, Anhui Province, China, VT students were invited to be interviewed about their experiences and impressions while studying abroad.In CopyrightChinese language and cultureEducation abroadVirginia TechUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaNews Radio, Anhui Radio & TV StationPhotograph of Virginia Tech in China 2012 participants at the studios of News Radio, Anhui Radio & TV StationImage