Ernst, Jeremy V.Bowen, Bradley D.Williams, Thomas O. Jr.2022-01-232022-01-232016-12-01 identified as at-risk of non-academic continuation have a propensity toward lower academic self-efficacy than their peers (Lent, 2005). Within engineering, self-efficacy and confidence are major markers of university continuation and success (Lourens, 2014 Raelin, et al., 2014). This study explored academic learning self-efficacy specific to first-year engineering students with at-risk indicators. The at-risk determination was made through trajectory to matriculate, classified by cumulative grade point average of academic studies. An adapted version of the Self-efficacy for Learning (SEL) scale, modified by Klobas, Renzi and Nigrelli (2007), was administered to freshman engineering students identified at-risk and not at-risk of matriculation. Internal consistency of the SEL was analyzed and once deemed satisfactory (Cronbach alpha = .94), item-level outcome comparisons between student subgroups were made for each of the 22 instrument items.Pages 9-18application/pdfenIn CopyrightFreshman engineering students at-risk of non-matriculation: Self-efficacy for academic learningArticle - Refereed2022-01-23American Journal of Engineering Education71Williams, Thomas [0000-0002-6496-5923]Bowen, Bradley [0000-0003-3987-308X]