Cole, Carl F.2014-03-142014-03-141994-04-08etd-03302010-020445 Systems Engineering Process has been applied to develop a wide area network communications system upgrade design for Alpha Beta Corporation to enhance information exchange and improve productivity. A feasibility study establishes justification for a system upgrade. Detailed operational and maintenance requirements are defined and documented and a program management plan is formed. An evaluation of technical alternatives, based on life-cycle cost projections and effectiveness factors, is completed after functional analyses are used to allocate system-level requirements to the subsystem level. Design team organization, subsystem specifications, and system optimization and testing are then addressed. Finally, recommendations for future research are presented.ix, 140 leavesBTDapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightLD5655.V851 1994.C654Systems engineeringWide area networks (Computer networks)Application of the systems engineering process to develop a wide area network communications system upgrade designMaster's project