Kimetu, J. M.Lehmann, JohannesNgoze, S. O.Mugendi, D. N.Kinyangi, James M.Riha, S.Verchot, L.Recha, J. W.Pell, A. N.2016-04-192016-04-192008Ecosystems 11(5): 726-7391432-98401435-0629 only recordThis study investigates the reversibility of soil productivity decline using additions of labile organic matter (green and animal manure) to add nutrients to the soil, and stable organic matter (biochar and sawdust) to stabilize the soil and enhance the soil organic carbon (SOC). The overall goal was to test and compare the impact of these additions on the productivity of crops and to investigate ways to improve soil quality. In western Kenya, agriculture is very important and the use of continuous cropping after forest clearing has greatly affected soil fertility by decreasing the amount of nutrients and carbon in the soil. Restoring the soil organic matter content is essential for maintaining crop productivity in the long-term and creating a sustainable food source in this region.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightSoil nutrientsSoil degradationSoil erosionSoil managementGreen manure cropsSoil fertilitySustainable agricultureSoil organic matterAgroecosystemsChronosequenceSoil productivityBiochar additionClay concentrationField ScaleReversibility of soil productivity decline with organic matter of differing quality along a degradation gradientAbstractCopyright 2008 Springer Science Media B.V.