Ekwoaba, Joy OnyinyechiOyedare, IsraelOkeke, Samuel2023-03-062023-03-062021-11http://hdl.handle.net/10919/114041Employment discrimination has remained unbated in many organization in Nigeria, despite the Nigerians with Disability Decree 1993 and Discrimination against persons with Disability (Prohibition) Act 2018 which contains a plethora of policies established to prevent it. Various studies have shown that employment discrimination is a threat to the reputation of companies and economies of nations especially the employment discrimination of persons with disabilities. This study therefore examines how far the Lagos State Ministry of Youth and Development has implemented the 1993 Disability Decree and the Discrimination Prohibition Act, of 2018; and the major constraints inhibiting the implementation of the acts. Survey research design was adopted and stratified sampling technique was used in data collection while the data were analyzed with the Pearson’s Correlation. Copies of structured questionnaire were administered to staff of the Lagos State Ministry of Youths and Social Development. A sample size of 223 was arrived at from a total population of 507 using Yamane’s (1967) formula. The result of the study shows that there is a strong and positive relationship (r = 0.803) between the constraints of implementing the Nigerians Disability Acts and discrimination against persons with Disability in the Lagos State Ministry of Youth and Social development. The result also showed that there is a negative relationship between the employment discrimination of persons with disabilities and the Federal Government Decree of 1993 and Act of 2018 especially in recruitment and infrastructure. Based on the findings, it was recommended that for discrimination to be minimized, internal inclusion policies that would complement the section 6 (2) of the Nigerians with Disability Decree 1993 and Discrimination against person with Disability (Prohibition) Act 2018 should be formulated and enforced.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalEmployment Discrimination of Persons Living with Disabilities in the Lagos State Ministry of Youths and Social DevelopmentArticle - RefereedPacific University Journal of Social Sciences61