Domato, Gary Charles2014-03-142014-03-141977-05-15etd-06122010-020216 were used in an experiment which investigated the effects of partial and continuous reinforcement of the CER. A 2 x 2 mixed design provided for the factorial combination of 100% and 50% reinforcement schedules with two discrete conditioned stimuli. Analysis of bar press suppression revealed a significant within-subjects reversed PRE. A numerical, but not significant reversed PRE was obtained in the between-subjects comparisons. Further, suppression in the presence of the tone CS was greater than that in the presence of the light CS. The results were discussed in terms of a fear conditioning model and a predictability model.iv, 31 pages, 1 unnumbered leavesBTDapplication/pdfIn Copyrightconditioning responsesLD5655.V855 1977.D64Partial reinforcement effects in Pavlovian (CER) conditioning: between and within subjectsThesis