Cerezo, Graciela M.2014-03-142014-03-141996-12-06etd-2455212097410http://hdl.handle.net/10919/30365The solutions for a class of Neutral Functional Di erential Equations (NFDE) with weakly singular kernels are studied. Using singular expansion techniques, a representation of the solution of the NFDE is obtained by studing an associated Volterra Integral Equation. We study the Collocation Method as a projection method for the approximation of solutions for Volterra Integral Equations. Particulary, the possibility of achieving higher order ap- proximations is discussed. Special attention is given to the choice of the projection space and its relation to the smoothness of the approximated solution. Finally, we study the identification problem for a parameter appearing in the weakly singular operator of the NFDE.In Copyrightintegral equationsneutral functional differential equationsparameter identificationcollocation methodSolution Representation and Indentification for Singular neutral Functional Differential EquationsDissertationhttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-2455212097410/