Ortiz Malavasi, E.Kellenberg, J.2016-04-192016-04-192002Presented at Building Assets for People and Nature: International Expert Meeting on Forest Landscape Restoration, Heredia, Costa Rica, 27 February - 2 March 20022491_Ortiz2002_Program_PES_Costa_Rica.dochttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/66992The paper explores one example of a system for valuation of forest goods and services, assessing its advantages/disadvantages, lessons learnt and its application to large scale integrated projects and the implications for FLR.application/msworden-USIn CopyrightNational parksEcological restorationPayments for environmental servicesForest managementBioreservesSustainable forestryReforestationConservationForestsPESForest ecological servicesFor environmental services program (pesp)Fondo nacional de financiamiento forestal (fonafifo)Sistema nacional de areas de conservacion (sinac)Market-based incentivesForest landscape restorationForest conservationBiological corridorsContractsEcosystem Farm/Enterprise ScaleProgram of Payments for Ecological Services in Costa RicaPresentation