Legris, Mary Dallas2014-03-142014-03-141960-06-01etd-06102012-040030http://hdl.handle.net/10919/43019The limited-instruction spelling course proved to be the best method of integrating spelling and typewriting instruction. The students achieved better results when they looked up the meanings of words and typed the words in sentences. Studying seven or eight words a day was more effective than studying fifteen or more words. The second-year students in both the intensive and limited-instruction group benefited more from this type of instruction than did the first-year students. The students who received no instruction showed very little improvement in spelling ability.97 leavesBTDapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightLD5655.V855 1960.L447Spelling ability -- TestingTypewritingWritingAn experiment to determine the relative advantage of improved spelling by typewriting as opposed to handwritingThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-06102012-040030/