Heilmann, Adam2018-08-152018-08-152017-01-06http://hdl.handle.net/10919/84695Myth: Processed foods are horrible for you and organic foods are the healthiest option available. Fact: The wave of fad diets introduced the layman to words such as processed and organic foods. Since these terms became mainstream, the more popular they got, the less meaning they had. When people talk to me about organic, non pro-cessed, non-GMO foods, they automatically assume that I am on the bandwagon. Terms like unhealthy, chemicals, tox-ins, and pesticides are thrown around in these conversations constantly. But what toxins, chemicals, and "unhealthiness" are people referring to?1 pageapplication/pdfen-USIn Copyright (InC)This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. Some uses of this Item may be deemed fair and permitted by law even without permission from the rights holder(s). For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights holder(s).Get The Facts: Processed FoodsArticlehttps://medicine.vtc.vt.edu/student-life/student-wellness/wellness-weekly.htmlWellness Weekly120