Fernández-Baca, Edith2016-04-192016-04-192008Presented at the SANREM CRSP LTR-4 Annual Meeting, April, 2008 Puno, Peru.3565_PRESENT_CAMBIO.ppthttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/67642This brief presentation reports the results of SANREM CRSP LTR-4 project work in communities of Apopata and Santa Maria in Peru to study the presence of climate change and adaptive strategies made by local people. The results are shown in terms of indicators measured, livelihood strategies, and forecast efficiency.application/vnd.ms-powerpointes-ESIn CopyrightLivelihoodsClimate changeIndicatorsForecastsApopataSanta mariaPunoPerúEcosystemCambio Climatico: Indicadores, estrategias de vida y eficiencia en su prediccion en las comunidades de Santa Maria y Apopata, Puno.Climate change: indicators, livelihood estrategies and forecast efficiency in Santa Maria and Apopata communities, Puno.Presentation