Aguilera, Javier2016-04-192016-04-192006Presented at the SANREM CRSP Investigators Meeting, Universidad de la Cordillera, La Paz, Bolivia, September 20062900_Caracteristicas_Umala.ppt presentation gives a brief description of the Municipality of Umala's characteristics, one of the areas of intervention of the SANREM CRSP project. This includes a geographic overview, as well as the production systems in the area such as potato and quinua. It also describes some of the problems faced by producers of these commodities both in production of the crop and marketing of their products.application/ CopyrightUmala's characteristicsSANREMBoliviaCultivo de la papaEcosystemBreve descripción de las características de Umala: Area de intervención del proyecto SANREM CRSPBrief description of Umala's characteristics: SANREM-CRSP project's area of interventionPresentation