Center for Natural Resource Information TechnologyTexas A&M UniversityButt, T.Angerer, JayDyke, P.Kim, M.Kaitho, R.Stuth, Jerry2016-04-192016-04-192004Presented at SANREM CRSP Accomplishments and Lessons Learned Workshop, Washington, D.C., 16 June 2004360_ButtTanveer_SANREM_WashingtonDC.pdf paper discusses concerns about the impact of climate change on agriculture. Methods for assessing the impacts of climate change and the results from impact assessments in Mali, Kenya, Uganda, and Senegal are presented.application/pdfen-USImportsMarketing and tradeGovernment policyRainfed agricultureFood securityEconomic impactsDisaster preparednessAgricultureClimate changePrecipitationImpact assessmentCrop yieldsCereal productionPolicy adaptationPrice instabilityMaliKenyaUgandaSenegalEcosystem Field ScaleAgricultural climate change impact: General concerns and findings from Mali, Kenya, Uganda, and SenegalEconomic and environmental aspects of climate change. Perspectives from Kenya, Uganda, Mali, and SenegalPresentation