Chang, Lay NamLewis, ZacharyMinic, DjordjeTakeuchi, Tatsu2016-10-182016-10-182014-02-100217-751X this talk we describe our recent work on discrete quantum theory based on Galois fields. In particular, we discuss how discrete quantum theory sheds new light on the foundations of quantum theory and we review an explicit model of super-quantum correlations we have constructed in this context. We also discuss the larger questions of the origins and foundations of quantum theory, as well as the relevance of super-quantum theory for the quantum theory of gravity.23 pagesapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightPhysics, NuclearPhysics, Particles & FieldsPhysicsPHYSICS, NUCLEARPHYSICS, PARTICLES & FIELDSBell inequalitiesGalois fieldssuper-quantum correlationsquantum gravityHIDDEN-VARIABLE THEORIESSTATISTICAL DISTANCEBELL INEQUALITIESLOCAL THEORIESMECHANICSGRAVITYNONLOCALITYSPACECONSEQUENCESGEOMETRYQuantum Systems Based Upon Galois Fields - From Sub-Quantum to Super-Quantum CorrelationsArticle - RefereedInternational Journal of Modern Physics A