Bowermaster, Jeffrey2017-03-102017-03-101984 diameter LC columns provide rapid thermal equilibration and are ideal candidates for temperature programmed LC. Special instrumentation requirements are presented and details of column assembly are given to permit the preparation of highly efficient, stable microbore columns. Three LC temperature control systems are described and their individual strengths and weaknesses are discussed. Problems encountered in raising the temperature of an LC column are addressed and solutions are described. Experimental results of column and instrumentation evaluation are given and the effects of temperature on speed, efficiency, stability and retention of a broad range of samples is reported. Temperature and solvent programming are compared directly.xiv, 239 leavesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightLD5655.V856 1984.B682High performance liquid chromatographyMicrobore HPLC methodology and temperature programmed microbore HPLCDissertation