Tkacik, Peter T.2017-11-092017-11-091982 design of a cascade wind tunnel for testing of compressor blades at high angle of attack is described. Methods to insure uniform velocity profiles and control of inlet turbulence are discussed. The problem of maintaining two-dimensional flows at high angle of attack was addressed. A tunnel capable of testing cascades of compressor blades at angles of attack up to seventy-five degrees was constructed. Performance of the tunnel was evaluated and data were acquired for flow over double-circular-arc blades with angles of attack extending into the fully-stalled region. Comparisons were made with available data in the installed flow regime. Results showed that the tunnel had adequately uniform inlet velocities and low turbulence levels, and that two-dimensional flow was maintained over the center two-thirds of the high-aspect ratio blades.x, 78, [1] leavesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightLD5655.V855 1982.T622Wind tunnels -- Design and constructionCascades (Fluid dynamics)Compressors -- BladesCascade performance of double circular arc compressor blades at high angles of attackThesis