Rahman, ImranChen, HanBernard, Shaniel2024-07-092024-07-092023-03-012211-9736https://hdl.handle.net/10919/120611This study examined whether environmental status signaling (ESS) applied to purchase situations involving three environmental products in hospitality and tourism: an environment-friendly car, an organically-produced wine, and a green hotel. Findings from three scenario-based quasi-experimental studies suggested that ESS differed across the type of green product and the consumption setting. When status motive was high, consumers would purchase the environment-friendly car over its more-luxurious conventional counterpart across all consumption settings. Higher purchase intention was also found for the more luxurious hotel over the environment-friendly hotel and for the organically-produced wine over the better-rated conventional wine in private settings. These effects disappeared in the public setting. Moreover, ESS was independent of whether green products were priced equal or more. Recommendations on how to promote the personal benefits of green products and improve performance, design, and packaging of the green products were provided to practitioners in the hospitality and tourism industry.12 page(s)application/pdfenIn CopyrightEnvironmental status signalingGreen signalingGreen hotelEnvironment-friendly CarOrganic wineThe incidence of environmental status signaling on three hospitality and tourism green products: A scenario-based quasi-experimental analysisArticle - RefereedTourism Management Perspectiveshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2023.10107646Bernard Simpson, Shaniel [0000-0003-0849-1169]2211-9744