Baxter, Thomas2014-03-142014-03-141994-05-14etd-09052009-040716 new experimental method was developed to measure the hysteresis loss during a fatigue test from the load and stroke signals of a standard servo-hydraulic materials testing system. The method was used to characterize changes in properties and performance induced by long-term cyclic loading. Advantages of the load-stroke hysteresis loop include: (1) the fact that contact with the specimen is not required, (2) the fatigue test is not interrupted for data collection, (3) the measured quantity (the hysteresis loop area) is directly related to the (damage) events that alter material properties and life, and (4) a quantitative measure of damage extent and development is obtained.xv, 156 leavesBTDapplication/pdfenIn Copyrightfatigue testshysteresis lossLD5655.V855 1994.B398The development and application of the load-stroke hysteresis technique for evaluating fatigue damage development in composite materialsThesis