Qin, Zhangjie2024-08-272024-08-272024-08-26vt_gsexam:41339https://hdl.handle.net/10919/121019Measurement-based quantum computation is a form of quantum computing that operates on a prepared entangled graph state, typically a cluster state. In this dissertation, we will detail the creation of graph states across various physical platforms using different entangling gates. We will then benchmark the quality of graph states created with error-prone interactions through quantum wire teleportation experiments. By leveraging underlying symmetry, we will design graph states as measurement-based quantum error correction codes to protect against perturbations, such as ZZ crosstalk in quantum wire teleportation. Additionally, we will explore other measurement-based algorithms used for the quantum simulation of time evolution in fermionic systems, using the Kitaev model and the Hubbard model as examples.ETDenIn CopyrightMeasurement-based quantum computationGraph stateBenchmarking measurement-based quantum computation on graph statesDissertation