Salazar, M.2016-04-192016-04-192006MS Thesis. West Lafayette, IN: Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University2948_Salazar_Smallholder_coffee_production.pdf is one of the most important export commodities in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Vietnam. Unfortunately, a recent decline in the price of coffee due to an oversupply in the world market has dramatically lowered farmgate prices and reduced farmers' incomes on coffee-growing countries. By studying and comparing production experiences, this study seeks to identify mechanisms that might permit smallholder coffee farmers to increase efficiency, especially technical efficiency, by optimizing their use of inputs and thereby maximizing their net income.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightEconomic analysesSmall holder enterpriseSmallholdersCoffee productionGovernanceAn economic analysis of smallholder coffee production in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and VietnamThesis