Orth, Donald J.2023-06-142023-06-142023-06http://hdl.handle.net/10919/115425<br>These supplementary teaching resources align to the open textbook, <i>Fish, Fishing, and Conservation</i> which is a 389-page, peer-reviewed publicly-available, openly-licensed textbook intended for undergraduate students who are exploring majors in Fish & Wildlife. It is also relevant to a general audience or for use in courses which explore social and ethical aspects of fish, fishing and conservation. The open textbook, <b><i>Fish, Fishing, and Conservation</i></b>, is freely available at <a href="https://doi.org/10.21061/fishandconservation">https://doi.org/10.21061/fishandconservation</a>. Supplementary teaching resources include a sample course syllabus, schedule, and a variety of assignments. Individuals who wish to share their materials relevant to teaching in this subject area are encouraged to join and share their openly-licensed resources via the <a href="https://oercommons.org/groups/fish-fishing-and-conservation-instructor-group/14049">Fish, Fishing, and Conservation instructor group in OER Commons</a>. <b>Are you reviewing or adopting <i>Fish, Fishing, and Conservation</i> for a course?</b> <br>Please help us understand your use by filling out <b><a href="https://bit.ly/fishandconservation_interest">this form</a></b>.Attribution 4.0 Internationalfishfishingconservationenvironmental conservationSupplementary Teaching Materials for Fish, Fishing, and ConservationLearning object