Jagger, PamelaLuckert, MartyBanana, Abwoli Y.Bahati, Joseph2016-04-192016-04-192008Presented at the SANREM Steering Committee meeting, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, February 2008 and at a workshop of the Poverty and Environment Network of CIFOR, Barcelona, Spain, January 20083396_Jagger_etal_Methods_Feb08.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/67501Presentation comparing the Poverty & Environment method of collecting household-level data with the International Forest Resources & Institutions method, which was developed for the purposes of this project and which involves a one-time visit to a household. Focuses on surveys completed in Uganda.application/vnd.ms-powerpointen-USIn CopyrightSurvey research methodsLivelihoodsForest managementFarm/Enterprise Scale GovernanceWhat should we really be asking? Aggregated vs. disaggregated responses to household livelihood questionnairesPresentationCopyright 2008 Indiana University and CIFOR