Koechlein, David Jacob2014-03-142014-03-141998-09-17etd-110798-012740http://hdl.handle.net/10919/35624Following active growth, the aquatic gram-negative rod Prolinoborus fasciculus (Aquaspirillum fasciculus) exhibited a mass conversion from its culturable rod form to a nonculturable coccoid form. Chloramphenicol did not prevent the conversion. Attempts to obtain variants that would not convert to the coccoid form were unsuccessful. Although the coccoid form fluoresced with acridine orange, agarose gel electrophoresis revealed extensive ribosomal RNA degradation. Poly-Ã -hydroxybutyrate, abundant in the vegetative rods, was not detectable in the coccoid cells. The results suggest that the coccoid form of A. fasciculus is a degenerative form rather than part of a life cycle.enIn CopyrightRNAacridine orangeViable but nonculturablecoccoid bodiesVBNCA Study of the Coccoid Bodies of Prolinoboborus fasciculus (Aquaspirillum fasciculus)Thesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-110798-012740/